Wind4ind can offer the whole range of services needed for making a highly attractive PPA:
- Analyse the company’s demand for renewable energy (sustainability) and the future impact on power usage portfolio.
- Determine to go solo or jointly at windfarm or solarfarm projects. If desired, scan the market for potential partners to jointly pursue a PPA offtake.
- Determine willingness to pre-finance or temporarily hold financing in projects in late-phase development.
- Analyse the relevant market of wind- and solar-projects. Identify the potential projects to approach. Analyse the developing entities and understand all relevant projects in their development pipeline. Prepare generic sales package for PPA partnership.
- Analyse specific regulatory market and trends relevant for the PPA. Determine optimum long-term pricing structures for grey power and certificates.
- Determine ability for price guarantees and preferred options to explore with future PPA partners. Determine farm’s alternatives for price guarantees. Quantify the risks, costs and value of the desired price guarantees.
- Approach windfarm and solarfarm developers. Create tailor-made sales package of PPA partnership for each specific project. Understand the specific needs of each potential offtaker in order to optimise PPA design.
- Determine the ability to deal with Program Responsibility and Imbalance services. Identify and approach potential partners.
- Identify decision making mechanism at relevant windfarm and solarfarm developers. Identify developer’s most-trusted partners for e.g. financing. Approach network around develop for PPA partnership idea.
- Design partnership approach strategy.
- Determine optimum optimisation scheme for imbalance taking into account the local markets. Determine future operating model for forecasting and imbalance management.
- Identify other PPA-related options to pre-finance project development.
- Interact with leading financial institutions to verify the designed PPA structure for the specific project.
- Assist in negotiating the PPA offer. Identify all negotiation “chips” for the PPA. Create and maintain financial negotiation model to quantify trade-offs.
- Assist in negotiation all relevant legal and commercial clauses of the PPA. Close the PPA. Write back-up documentation for internal approvals.